Local Businesses Supporting Local Charities

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Vale Communications are proud to support Challengers         

Challengers provides play schemes for disabled children and young people aged 2-25. We make it possible for any child, with any impairment, to access essential play opportunities, helping them to develop vital skills such as co-ordination, confidence and communication, all whilst having fun, making friends and challenging their impairment. Our work also provides an essential short break to families who are often exhausted from the demands of caring. Families often describe Challengers as a lifeline, and say that without such support family life would be likely to break down. By using Vale Communications for your telephony requirements you will be supporting the invaluable work at Challengers as 5% of profit will be donated to Challengers on a monthly basis. This is for any product or service (monthly recurring or one off cost) purchased by customers under the Vale Communications /Challengers project. Your Telephony could make a real difference.
  • £5 would pay for glitter for a whole week, enabling a child to express their creative side
  • £46 would pay for a highly trained member of staff to support a child or young person for a whole day of scheme
  • £152 would mean a child could attend Challengers for a whole day of fun, laughter and excitement.
  For more information on how your telephony can support Challengers, please call 01483 910910 or complete the contact form below quoting “Challengers” in the your message. Please see the Challengers website for more info: https://disability-challengers.org/     IMG_0621IMG_3480IMG_6442IMG_3632 - Copy

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